Friday, January 06, 2006

Mailable Art

Well, I thought I'd follow up with a second round of "mailable art." It's really a trip and the outcome is quite surprising even to me. It's all about imagery and letting go, trying not to control the image, but slinging the ink and letting it fall where it may. This style is more like my thumbnail sketches, but they are more committed as I draw them straight to ink!

The first is simply called "Bird House". There is no background and no perspective but somehow the scanned image seems to jump off the page. I'm not sure if that is because of the colours or the optical illusion created by the horizontal and vertical lines coming together. Or if it is just that fascinating way computers sometimes WILL make an image look better.

The next is "Catbone". Simply put it's just two images that you would not normally see together. When I stepped back to look at it I could hear that familiar riff by George Thorogood and the Destroyers...b, b, b, b, b, bad to the bone!

Which came first, the camera or the cheese? Well, in any event I sent this one to my favorite photographer of all time, Beatrice Neumann. You can and should visit her at Tell her I said, "Hello!"

And then we come to one of my personal favorites. These "full-figured" stick figures really don't get enough play time with me so I decided to feature them in a few this round. What I love about this one is that the slide started out to be a normal park slide. But, it just didn't look right. As soon as I added the swimming pool it seemed to fit. Well, I always like to show some action or at least the "evidence" of some action in my illustrations, hence the ripples. I can't remember what happened next but I made an accidental mark on the card. That mark became the reflection of the ladder in the pool of water on the side of the pool. Why I felt I needed a witness to all this in a red bathing suit is beyond me! But, what I absolutely love is that the first person to lay eyes on this said, "He did a cannonball!" Who knew?!

Remember, my work is best viewed at a distance while squinting.


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