Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Three Minutes with Stuart Sayger!

Look, if you want to know anything about STUART SAYGER, you can ask him yourself, I'm sure he would be more than happy to talk about himself...at length. Actually, Stuart in one of the most confident artists in the business without being cocky. He is honest with his feedback and passionate about art and artists. Stuart is also one of the most intelligent guys out there. So don't think you can just go up to him and start to spar on his level. You're going to have to bring a lot more than your knowledge of Conan #81.

Aside from drawing the LEGO BIONICLE COMIC FOR DC and his own classic indie comic SHIVER IN THE DARK, Stuart spends a lot of time creating art for his legion of fans. Aside from being a colleague and a friend, I too am a fan...there, I said it! I also happen to own one of the many Joker drawings he's done over the years. Stuart and I also collaborated on a Batman piece at one of the infamous "art nights" hosted by our good friend Josh Johnson!

Bill Wilkison: Stuart, I have found a common thread among artists in many disciplines that Dr. Seuss had a big influence on them growing up and that influence continues today. What influence has Dr. Seuss had on your life, work or art?

Stuart Sayger: Not much. I did enjoy The Lorax though.

BW: Art is interpretive. What is this?

SS: Table saw blade with speed lines...this is Chronos' blade that chased The Atom. (Check your silverage!)

BW: Do you ever shiver in the dark?

SS: I'm a skinny guy...I shiver everywhere.

[Insert embarrassing photo here!]

If you would like to hear more about STUART in his own words go to putfile.com!

Next week: Who knows?

©2006 B. Wilkison, of course!


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